December 1, 2010

December 2010

It's officially the first day of December. And, it is going to be 80 Saturday! My idea of seasonal time is officially fucked.

Now, dear readers, October used to be my least favorite month, but I've now concluded since time moves differently in Texas, November is now my least favorite month here. December holds the promise of Christmas and New Years, an official close to the year as well as the promise to start a new one... November has Thanksgiving, a brief holiday and it takes away an hour of sunlight in the evening. This November, I might conclude, struck a deal with the el diablo y el infierno. I was not. a. fan and I am glad that it is the last month of '10.

My December began with the following quote:  (in regards to sex)

"If someone could get the milk for free, why would they want to buy the cow?"

"Fat Free or Skim, baby, it's all the same steak."

Life is too short to spend it unhappy. So---

Cheers to December- the month that allows me a week off to apply to graduate school & surprise 80 degree weather & home to see the friends and family.

Blogs coming up:
-The highly anticipated 'Flea Market' visit back in August (I've FINALLY figured the dynamic out)

-Classism in higher education (or why the fuck is it so expensive to apply?)
-Slam Poetry (words in motion)

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