December 16, 2010

Folclórico, Step, Jesus and Lyle Lovett.

It's 76 degrees here, (and sunny) and the last week can be summarized by the last 24 hours. I attended the Winter Talent show for the school I work at (which, I love, love, love) and they had the following performances (back:to:back)

Ballet Folclórico-which, is NUTS.

Followed by Omega Ki-Step Team

followed by an poem about Jesus... a really, really intense poem filled with imagery and blood.

Then, while on the way to work this morning, I saw a car that painted, "Jesus is Coming!" in lime green letters in the window. I then heard the following Lyle Lovett song, as I passed the said car.

"If I had a pony, I'd put it in my boat...and ride it to the ocean"
UH...WHAT?! It might be sleep depravation but it was me, the highway, a Jesus car, and Lyle Lovett this morning. A brutal combination and symbol for all that random chaos I see on a daily basis, that has stopped allowing my life to make any sense.

Later in the day while sipping on Lone Star, I heard the following quote uttered by a Coked out hipster. "I'm sorry I'm late guys, I'm feeling really Larry David today, I've all all this coffee and I'm all sortsa neurotic"

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