December 1, 2009

Fun with Sexism

While out last night at dinner and older man offered to take a photo of our table. There were quite a few of us. After taking the picture, with his wife standing by his side, he said, “Every once in a while, I need to be reminded what young women look like.” His wife’s face grimaced. He then proceeded to tell us a joke as his wife was pulling him out the door. It was as follows:

There were three old men on a beach, on that same beach there happened to be a lovely women in a bikini. She was beautiful. She was sexy and alluring. One man said, “I would love to kiss her and hug her…(long pause) and oh wait, what was that other thing we used to do?” The other two men looked quizzically at one another.

After telling us, our table erupted in tequila induced laughter. I then looked over at his wife who was clearly not amused. She pulled him away, dragging him by his elbow away from our table.

As my grandmother so aptly said on thanksgiving, “Men will always think with their penis." My grandfather proved this statement later that night when he said, "Oh! I remember Peggy Lee when she used to be a virgin."

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