November 29, 2009

So I'm currently sitting in SEATAC airport and let me tell you something, I am terrified of flying. Let me tell you something else, I am also fascinated by the idea of flight itself. Such a life of paradox- of contrast-of juxtaposition (and other $3 words) On one hand, I think that if humans were meant to actually fly and move at such a fast pace, we'd be able to. However, since we cannot it is absolutely amazing that we invented a way to do so. Thumbs up for human advancement.

So this morning, as I was taking off, I looked out the window and realized that the whole idea of space/time totally got fucked when flying started becoming prominent. I guess what I mean by prominent is really just the middle class and their access to flying. After a heated discussion on whether or not I should go greyhound-- I've learned that flying is a middle class ordeal. And I'm middle class (Thanks mum 'n dad) I would not go home greyhound. Let me tell you why:

My friend visited me three years ago. Her visit was awesome, her ride home was not. While sitting in her seat, about the middle of the state (while she was trying to sleep) the man sitting next to her tried to put his hand down her pants…several times. I'm not going to go into detail here and there's not going to be any imagery. For this reason and this reason alone, I do not want to go greyhound. I also think most greyhounds look bulimic. However, this is besides the point.

So back to the idea of space/time (as both ideas bask in their intangibility)-- post-Globalization (And yes, I would argue that the world has hit a post-Global stage, but that's for another blog, another drunken blog) So think about the idea of space before flying. Space, in its its ideal form was larger. To get across country it took at least a day. Ok, let me explain, traveling over space in relation to time was also larger. Space=distance (stagnant) but the time was longer. While the numerical miles still remained the same the rate of travel decreased, greatly.With this lessening rate, the whole idea of space/time got fucked. (But, historically with travel space/time is kind of a whore, so I don't think they minded really). This is what happens at 650am when the plane is flying the sun is rising and you're thinking about human progress.

As I'm sitting here, now, in the airport I'm noticing that a)there are mostly white people in the airport b)the white people look bored, even though they know they'll be waiting around c)half of the people are holding Starbucks cups and d)even the people who seem to know one another are not speaking to one another, but people who seem to be complete strangers seem to want to strike up conversation. Example: A very hip kid, wearing buddy holly glasses, with tussled light brown hair, tight jeans, looking very greyhound bulimic chic came up to me and started talking about a blog I was reading. It was 8 am. I've had 2 hours sleep and I don't want to talk to him. Like most of the people in this airport who are sitting there, I don't have a friendly face on. I have the fuck-I-wish-I-was-in-bed-goddamn-the-idea-of-space/time look. Even while I was typing this a man come up to me and wanted to talk about my Macbook. I answered him. Nicely! Such facades! Such obligatory social nature!

Sadly, now, however, I'm not resembling a greyhound bohemian, bulimic chic hipster and I'm not very good at telling people to fuck off, but I hear space/time is pretty good at it, or perhaps rather just fucking with travel as its whore tagging alongside.

Time for a nap.

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