August 2, 2010

Mr. Hamm

Or Reading an interview with Jon Hamm in Kansas

While in a Arby's in Kansas (Podunk Kansas) I stumbled upon a Parade Magazine with Jon Hamm on the cover. Let me establish the surroundings:
Needless to say, I was incredibly excited to find something that didn't have an accent/wasn't wearing Carhartts and had all their teeth. Ok, so the latter was a great exaggeration, but I hope it conveys my excitement.
Upon reading this article, I discovered that Jon Hamm is incredibly hilarious, easy going and, he had an english degree. S.E.X.

So, if you live under a rock (or in Kansas or Wyoming) you might not know who Don Draper is and/ or believe Mad Men is a clinical diagnosis. 

I was just lucky enough to find newspapers lying around an Arby's in the middle of nowhere and discover that the man behind the Don... well, is just that: A man who stumbled into acting, found his passion, set some goals and obtained them.  .


The highlight of the 2,000 miles trek thus far has been a live trout display in St. Regis, MT. The low point- either the miles of nothing in Wyoming or the incredible amount of Jesus billboards. Some read, "Jesus is Real", "Adoption not Abortion" and "Jesus, I trust in you"
Yes. America, you are a strange and I don't understand how there is any cohesion in politics whatsoever.

1 comment:

Toaster Strudel said...

Speaking of trout, I have a fabulous violence-against-fish story for you.