August 10, 2010

Mad Men Anecdote

or What Happened in the Full Theater 
When Lane Pryce Made a Texan/American (arguably) Dick Joke.

I'm not from Texas. But, I was in a theater surrounded by a bunch of friendly Mad Men (Live Under a Rock? Here's "Mad Men) loving hipster Texans when Lane Pryce made a cowboy steak dick joke.

Just follow my logic:




(Big American Penis)


British Interpretations of the Texan American Masculine male.

(seriously folks, it took me forever to find this picture.FOREVER thanks: thepassersbypost )

The entire theater erupted in an echoing laughter, and it was fucking beautiful. 

 Moments like these,  friends, remind me of why I moved here.  Lane making a dick joke from Texas (it was a dick joke!!) while in Texas.  It was seriously the top 3 moments of my time here thus far. Also I don't want to talk about how I found the American Penis. It was both hilarious and frightening. 

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