August 25, 2010

The State of (Tejjjas) Educational System

As many of you know, much of the reason I moved down to Texas was because of their structure of their  educational system and then strange, oddly progressive policy and law that  allows gives state funding to undocumented students (or as many conservatives refer, "illegal aliens").

The Texas Senate Bill 1528 allows students to receive state funding to attend college if they have the following qualifications:

  1. Must have graduated from a Texas high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma (e.g. GED) in the state of Texas; and
  2. Must have resided in the state of Texas for the three years immediately preceding graduation from high school or the receipt of the GED certificate; and
  3. Must not have established a residence outside the state of Texas during the 12 months prior to enrollment at Austin Community College; and
  4. Must provide a notarized letter stating that:
    1. they will file an application to become a permanent resident of the U.S. at the earliest opportunity they will be eligible to do so.

Texas is one of three states in the United States to have this law for undocumented students, which are only an estimated 1% of the public 4 year university population here. 

This law is relatively new and their are obvious problems (i.e- if a student is dependent on their family but their family does not pay taxes-- they do not qualify for the state funding (Tasfa-->TASFA). And, on average, a high need, low socioeconomic student does received only $4,000 per a year for a four year institution, only allowing many students to go to C.C. vocational programs with $2,000 in assistance) 

I find this law particular interesting in contrast with other Texas Educational aspects such as: 
-Abstinence only "sex" education
-Pro-Choice mentality
-Dry Counties (don't sell any alcohol in their county)
-Pro-America, Pro-Capitalist, Pro-Globalization history textbooks (see:TX Conservatives Win Textbook Votel)
-high rate of ESL/ELL(English Language Learners) student placement in Special Education

Also, factor in that an undocumented student doesn't have a social security number, and thus, upon graduation from college, cannot legally obtain  a job here in the United States. Which is another problem in itself.

It's a big mess. 

In lighter news:

I imagine most Texans to be "Sam the Eagle"

and then they put bumper stickers on their oversized  Trucks that resembles the following:

the other day, someone told me they were, "A Texan first and an American after."

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