November 19, 2009

Dirty Laundry

I should probably be putting away my laundry right now. However, thoughts are distracting and so is blogging (note: rant on blogging to come, soon)

It was five years ago I was fighting through the whipping wind (alliteration, nice eh?) to class at EWU. I'd walk down the hill from my dorm, past the PUB, past the library, past the strange artistic fountain at the 'campus mall' (other feelings of nostalgia) and go to class. I'd sit there and then go back to my dorm and eat greasy food. That feels like a different lifetime (other cliche coming of age statements)

(I found this picture I took- a View Science Building EWU)

I'm going through a deep seeded nostaglia, only because I am rebuilding my music library from scratch. I have a terrible personal memory, I often wonder how do I distinguish reality from memory, or does that even exist? I think that is one of those deeply troubling questions that I will always struggle with.

So I was putting away my laundry today. I recently downloaded Rogue Wave into my music library. Aside from seeing them in concert (so good) I had forgotten how much I listened to this, how much this album saw (if in fact, music could see things).

As I sit here, my clothes piling up on my bed, the same clothes I had in fact, five years ago (I hate shopping) and I can't help but realize that music is one of the only things that makes me remember things I've forgotten.

Highly egotistical blog/end.

1 comment:

Toaster Strudel said...

What happened to all your music that you have to download it again?

Also - cool picture! That's probably the only time that building has looked at all interesting.