September 20, 2009

Hey now.

Recently while in the car a song by Easy-E came on a mix.
It was blatantly disgusting, demeaning, derogatory and objectifying towards women.
Obviously I had a problem with this. I do not understand how people do not have a problem with this.

And I've started to wonder why misogyny is prevalent in rap. And, the music industry as a whole. Because, lets face it, every genre, especially country, rap and rock seeps objectification. Not all, but an argument can definitely be made for each popularized genere.

So, instead of getting angry at the music itself, I had to ask why.

What form of masculinity is being proven by these lyrics and clear disregard and disrespect for women? Why do men feel the need to overtly sexualize women continually?

I focused my research on rap music, specifically, gansta rap. After reading a slew of scholarly articles, I've decided that those in marginalized social positions have to assert their dominance to align themselves with the prevalent social power (white males). Since women are below men in the power hierarchy, asserting and reaffirming the objectification strengthens the gender hierarchy futher. In westernized countries, especially America Men of minority have more prevalent power than women. Historically, black males had the right to vote, the right to property and other legal rights, all before women of any race.
Still, this doesn't made it ok, or right.

The 3oh!3 song has underlying themes about rape and submission to the dominant male force. In the end, I guess, the fact that 14 year old boys hear this song on the radio and don't realize the underlying ideas behind it makes me incredibly angry. The fact that its even on the radio disgusts me altogether. So, objectification of women in musical content?

Completely repulsive. There's no way around it. There's no way to hide it or make it morally sound. I know that a) a white women and b)a staunch feminist I have a biased perspective. I just don't think I should have to be ok with the fact that representations of women are out there & they're completely degrading to my gender.

And now, some Bikini Kill.

1 comment:

Toaster Strudel said...

Dude. I hate 3oh!3 so much.