June 17, 2009

it goes POP.

Modernist free-write, egotism prose!

Pop Art.
Not my favorite, but as I'm getting back into painting (or trying to) again, I find its been the easiest to get a handle on. the shapes, colors and use of space is simpler than... well, realism. i can't paint real fruit. I'm not an artist. I just like painting. I don't paint well.

While thinking about what I wanted to paint today as I was scrubbing a fucking boat, I remembered Roy Lichtenstein.

I like pop art, if only for its glorified idea of consumerism and its over-simplicity. I figure that's kinda the point but even that's debatable.

Then, I remembered a painting done by a guy who inspired Rilke (man, I forgot about Rilke until today and his books/poems make so much sense now) anyway, the point is, Bellingham looked like this all day. All of these things I was thinking about as I was doing manual labor. Scrubbing the windows while balancing myself on a 3 inch beam trying not to fall in the bay. Tomorrow I watch whales and take a nap underneath the stairs so I can hide from the security cameras while I listen to The Mountain Goats.

The Painting

Eventually, as I balanced, and scrubbed, I settled back into thinking about Rilke and how he writes like a fucking angel. My first paycheck I'm paying rent and buying this book:

Sometimes, I think words might be the love of my life. Words and Neil Young.

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