June 5, 2009

Hawt Dayyymmn, Bogdan!

Note: This blog is centered around a fish. If this offends you, if you think it is not worthwhile, vapid or wasteful, stop reading now.

I must confess. I thrive with the top down, sun in my face and wind in my hair. I love the heat, the hot rays on my skin, finding solace in the shade. It's blissful. It's relaxing.
My fish, however, does not. He's living in a fucking hot tub. And he can't get out. Not even for a breather.

I think he might be getting sick because his tank is too hot. This makes me very sad because I am deeply attached to this fish. Here is why: he has moved with me three times, been through two breakups, seen me pull all nighters, heard intimate conversations and seen many many strange things. He also has been in a car wreck with me, stayed the summer at my house (across state) another summer at Briana's house and this past winter break at my other friends house in Deming. His mother might of cried a little when I took him back. I know the relationship is one-sided but I love him anyway. Mostly because he's a fucking champ.

I dropped him down the garbage disposal (when it was off) and he was out of water for over a minute. He was found curled up in an eggshell. I didn't mean for this to happen, he just flopped out when I was cleaning his tank in my sink. If surviving with no water curled up in an eggshell isn't badass for a beta fish, well, you obviously have not put as much time or thought into this as I. Shame on you.

Unrelated Postnote: When looking up images of 'hot tub' on google (safe search on) I found this. I call it "A Man. A Beer. A Bear" I could also see my boyfriend doing this someday like this someday, oddly enough, I only find slightly disturbing.

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