June 29, 2009

MJ, Ruffles, Mr. Mays, Heartattacks, Gin ,etc.

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June 26, 2009

Sea.Horse. and more!

There's a recent theme of the sea in my blogs lately.
Mostly because I'm incredibly bitter at the current time consumption I spend on it. But, it's also incredibly beautiful, even if it does eat up 50+ hrs a week.

But, on the few times I'm not on the sea, or in canada or in a boat, I do awesome things like:

Buy a bob seger record, live bullet for 3 dollars !!!!!! ah, such a good find (however, I have to accredit this to my boyfriend for finding it, then realizing the personal tie I have to seger via nostalgia) and, most importantly,
seahorses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So I don't know why I think they're so cute. I think its because they look like a dinosaur. They are also incredibly pointy and look like they have eyelashes. Things that are pointy and cute and look like a dinosaur (oh, wait)....

Anyway, I seriously want one

Waking up in the morning to a seahorse!

Two random Sea-related premises.

I found out that whale watching boats have captains that bet beer for the person to first spot the whale pod.
Quote from captain,"A Breach for Brew"

I also got lost in Victoria. Yeah, I know it's an island, but I was walking, someone got sick, the ambulance blocked the street and I had to take weird turns. However, I stumbled upon this awesome church. Which was totally unexpected and cool, and incredibly beautiful inside.

Then a crack-head homeless women yelled across the street from me and I promptly went back to the harbor.

June 21, 2009

Sea Legs

So, I don't have sea legs and sometimes I feel like I'm going to vomit.
so, in the meantime, life includes narrative stories (people=crazy) in the following areas:

*B.O. & washing clothes in a bathtub
*Wine & fallacio
*Orca Whales
*Canadian Customs.
*Galley's & David Bowie.
*Fat Seals named 'betsy'

(two or more of these points may be elaborated on. maybe, im too tired for narration)

and also trying to find movies with louis garrel in them based solely on the fact that I REALLY can't stop staring at him.

June 17, 2009

it goes POP.

Modernist free-write, egotism prose!

Pop Art.
Not my favorite, but as I'm getting back into painting (or trying to) again, I find its been the easiest to get a handle on. the shapes, colors and use of space is simpler than... well, realism. i can't paint real fruit. I'm not an artist. I just like painting. I don't paint well.

While thinking about what I wanted to paint today as I was scrubbing a fucking boat, I remembered Roy Lichtenstein.

I like pop art, if only for its glorified idea of consumerism and its over-simplicity. I figure that's kinda the point but even that's debatable.

Then, I remembered a painting done by a guy who inspired Rilke (man, I forgot about Rilke until today and his books/poems make so much sense now) anyway, the point is, Bellingham looked like this all day. All of these things I was thinking about as I was doing manual labor. Scrubbing the windows while balancing myself on a 3 inch beam trying not to fall in the bay. Tomorrow I watch whales and take a nap underneath the stairs so I can hide from the security cameras while I listen to The Mountain Goats.

The Painting

Eventually, as I balanced, and scrubbed, I settled back into thinking about Rilke and how he writes like a fucking angel. My first paycheck I'm paying rent and buying this book:

Sometimes, I think words might be the love of my life. Words and Neil Young.

June 11, 2009

Ode to my Canon.

Ach. I found out today that my Canon AE-1 is forever dead!!!!!
Here is a long, visual ode to my Canon and the beautiful, sometimes artsy pictures (only because it was such a good camera for me) I took with it. Oh man. This will be the only entry, ever, where I will insert artsy-fartsy hipster pictures. No flickr accout, duders, sorry. AH! I can't believe it inoperable and I will no longer put film into its sleek black body. =(

the picture of my brother and my dad is by far my favorite picture I have ever taken.

Bryan = one of the sexiest men I know!

June 8, 2009

French! Ohlala.

Recently, I picked up Les Miserables so I could read it again. Some people have a certain movie, a certain song, a certain place, etc.etc. I have this book.

I honestly think its the best book ever written. Hugo's language is absolutely beautiful. His story is complex and engaging. But, since its focused on the Uprising in Paris in 1832, it also has these beautiful long passages about human nature, the divine and political utopia's.

"What you fellows call progress moves by two springs, men and events. But sad to say, from time to time the exceptional is necessary. For events as well as for men, the stock company is not enough; geniuses are needed among men, and revolutions among events. Great accidents are the law; the order of things cannot get along without them; and, to see the apparitions of comets, one would be tempted to believe that Heaven itself is in need of star actors. At the moment you least expect it, God placards a meteor on the wall of the firmament. Some strange star comes along, underlined by an enormous tail. And that makes Caesar die. Brutus strikes him with a knife, and God with a comet."

Note: Hugo's political beliefs eventually led him to be exiled out of France.

Then, three years ago I saw the play on Broadway. I have never heard a song this beautiful live since.

Bring Him Home

June 5, 2009

Hawt Dayyymmn, Bogdan!

Note: This blog is centered around a fish. If this offends you, if you think it is not worthwhile, vapid or wasteful, stop reading now.

I must confess. I thrive with the top down, sun in my face and wind in my hair. I love the heat, the hot rays on my skin, finding solace in the shade. It's blissful. It's relaxing.
My fish, however, does not. He's living in a fucking hot tub. And he can't get out. Not even for a breather.

I think he might be getting sick because his tank is too hot. This makes me very sad because I am deeply attached to this fish. Here is why: he has moved with me three times, been through two breakups, seen me pull all nighters, heard intimate conversations and seen many many strange things. He also has been in a car wreck with me, stayed the summer at my house (across state) another summer at Briana's house and this past winter break at my other friends house in Deming. His mother might of cried a little when I took him back. I know the relationship is one-sided but I love him anyway. Mostly because he's a fucking champ.

I dropped him down the garbage disposal (when it was off) and he was out of water for over a minute. He was found curled up in an eggshell. I didn't mean for this to happen, he just flopped out when I was cleaning his tank in my sink. If surviving with no water curled up in an eggshell isn't badass for a beta fish, well, you obviously have not put as much time or thought into this as I. Shame on you.

Unrelated Postnote: When looking up images of 'hot tub' on google (safe search on) I found this. I call it "A Man. A Beer. A Bear" I could also see my boyfriend doing this someday like this someday, oddly enough, I only find slightly disturbing.

June 3, 2009

My Achilles Heel.

In the sheer excitement/terror of graduation I've realized I'll actually have time to get back into music and reading and painting.

What? Time! YOU WIN! YOU WIN! (throws in the gloves)

Songs of the week:

I always forget how fucking fantastic yo la tengo's electr-o-pura album is.

Also noted:
Snoop Dogg-Whats my Name
Violent Femmes-add it up
NWA-Express Yourself (probably one of my favorite rap songs)
Joanna Newsom- The Book of Right On
The Pixies- Cactus
Le Tigre- Well Well Well
the flaming lips-christmas at the zoo
built to spill-liar
belle and sebastian-wrapped up in books
bikini kill-rebel girl

(these songs are my default favorites, mostly making me seep nostalgia)
Also french b&w films, mysterious french male poet characters, well written script? I might of just found my Achilles heel.

June 2, 2009


I do not understand how this man can be so sexy.