May 27, 2009

i.d.e.n.i.t.y. & bildungsroman

Go with me here.

"The minute you or anybody else knows what you are you are not it, you are what you or anybody else knows you are and as everything in living is made up of finding out what you are it is extraordinary difficult really to not know what you are and yet to be that thing."

Gertrude Stein

I am fascinated with the idea of 'identity'--how someone can compose an idea of being a subject. The idea that people chose to represent themselves through writing, through conversation, through details, through rhetoric, beliefs, morals...etc. Being human=awesome.

However at the same time, there is no ONE true identify to anyone, like Stein says, you realize what you are, you are not it anymore as things are always changing. So one minute you are one thing, yet, the next something has changed and you are not it anymore.
(A-->B; when you don't actually realize you were A in the first place and now you are B)

This always changing ideology leads to a very fluid identity. So True Identity?
Total Bullshit.

So, in this same thought process, and a slightly more tangible, egotistic and highly symbolic example of this idea in relation to identity:
I took out my industrial piercing today. I don't know why. It seems small and insignificant but really, to me, it represents something much larger. I graduate in three weeks. I have this extraordinarily strong pressure that is coming from something external that keeps telling me to do or be a certain way, to normalize myself to the society.
Total Bullshit.

This piercing hurt like a motherfucker. There was no numbing, no pain killers (thins the blood) just a needle, my folded over ear and 10 seconds of cartilage piercing followed by a rush of blood and intense pain. I couldn't sleep on my ear for the next 3 months.

It was a complete spontaneous decision.

If I were to write my own narrative, a witty bildungsroman style, because my ego needs stroking, this would be one of the scenes that I would want the writer to spend time one. People who read it would wonder how & why it was in there. Then, they'd think about it and it'd be some passage to some normalization.
Micro: Macro relation and symbolism. ( I don' t know if that sentence actually made sense)

So, identity? Fluid and changing and never absolute.

Consequently, Plato might be hurling insults at me as we speak.
Total Bullshit.

1 comment:

Toaster Strudel said...

RIP, your industrial. Seriously, I miss it for you. That piercing hurts like no other.