May 11, 2009


Wandering around my favorite store, Boo Radley's I stumbled across a book that was dedicated to nerdy/geeky men women love. I'm going to skip all the reasons why I should of left this on the table sitting next to "How to Court a Man: Jane Austen style" because I didn't. I picked it up.

The first page, was dedicated to Michel Cera. Typical. I flipped through it some more, find Paul Rudd. Ok, ok, maybe this is bad, but not that bad. But then, near the very last page there is a picture of Ira Glass.

And, holy shit, I don't know what it is about this man but he oozes sex appeal. The fact he studied Semiotics at Brown University means we could sit down and talk about Umberto Eco and Sassure. As foreplay. Oh man. Sad fact - he's kinda perfectionist, egotist (two things which I can totally relate to) but he doesn't "have time" for women. Thanks, Ira.

Anyway, so I shouldn't of picked up that book because it was just bad, I mean, bad but I'm kind of glad I did.

The study of Semiotics?

Sidenote: I'd never thought I'd say being Spokane was a good thing, (because it rarely ever is) but it was. Go figure.

1 comment:

monket said...

He kind of reminds me of a penguin. I don't really know why.

Anyway, fair warning next time! And I'll supply some booze :D