May 16, 2009

Oh yeaaaah. Hippstaaa.

Hipster (urban
people in thier teens to 20s who generally listen to indie rock, hang out in coffee shops, shop at the thrift store and talk about things like books, music, films and art.
So whatever, this post is very hip but if I make you aware of it, you realize I'm not denying it and thus become less hip. Logical? Not really. Ironic? Maybe.

Things that I think are really fucking cool as of late in a very lack-of-english major-eloquence.

This is a non-profit that centers around indie music. Oh.My.Fucking.God. Two of my favorite, favorite things combined into one awesome, helping people, attempt at Emerson Oversoul!! ah! This is what I want to do with my life. So much brain sex(see footnote)/excitement, I just can't handle it.

Emily Well's Juicy cover

Indie Experimental singer/songwriter/badass did a cover of Biggie Small's song "Juicy" I wasn't expecting it to be good. I frumped my eyebrows when I found it. But. Then. I listened to it. Really good. Her voice fits the lyrics in a really strange, unpredictable way.

San Juans
so beautiful, it defies words.

Star Trek
Unexpected curveball-I've never seen an episode of Star Trek in my life. Everyone, I mean, everyone told me to go see this movie. Usually I just give them the stubborn finger and walk away. I didn't this time. And I'm glad. This movie, for a hollywood blockbuster, was done really well. Except I saw the 40-something nerdy couple next to me making out in the middle of the movie.

New album, pretty legit. No Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, but still damn good.

Tom Robbins
I've almost finished my awesome letter to Tom Robbins. He might be my favorite author. Still Life with Woodpecker=anarchistic, political, strange-sexual themed awesome. (note:The inner English critical analyst just died a little.)

Male psychiatrists would give the women with 'hysteria' (described as being overly emotional and irrational....) "massage pleasure" to calm them down. Um. I forget how little we knew/know about human cognition.


footnote: Brain Sex. A term coined for when the intellectual excitement matches the emotional excitement for incredibly nerdy things one is incredibly passionate about.
Ex- "I was read Walter Benjamin *scoffs* and thinking about modernity and art made me totally have brain sex" or " Watching that documentary on the otherness of African-Americans totally made me realize the power structure of the United States in relation to race, hollywood and bureaucratic systems. Brain Sex, (insert name here) total brain sex"

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