April 3, 2009

Writers Bloooooock

I don't know what it is. i have the kind of writers block that no amount of wine consumption, lo-fi indie music playing, running around in your underwear (being a complete cliche) can unblock. this is a problem.
I need some fucking gin.

Speaking of which, or rather, on NOT speaking of which,

Yesterday I talked to an artist in Seattle, a Design major who had to take a job as a contractor (right after layoffs) at Microsoft because people stopped buying his art. If he made a living off his work, I can only assume that he was talented. Or people are idiots.

So I know Microsoft recently laid people off. Would him being a contractor make him somewhat of a scab? I've done some research, I'm pretty confident in saying, "yeah, yeah he's some form of a scab..." People were laid off, Microsoft hired contractors to cut costs.
Fucking. Shame.
I know what you're thinking. Who I am to judge? When pennies are pinching and the economy is bad, take what you can get. I mean, if want to be an individualist, yeah, go right ahead. You first. Me second. That's right, I'll even give you a pat on the back as you pass me by in your business suit. I'll firmly shake you're hand and softly whisper, "oh... congratulations on being an individual" and run my fingers through your hair seductively.

On lighter news,

Oh haaaay Teen Captain America, you're kinda sexist!

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