So while I was visiting empty spaces, wheat fields, tall sparse pine trees, suburban living with cable, I stumbled on Lady GaGa's new video, "Pokerface." I think she's fucking hilarious and totally euro-trash. So I watched it. About two minutes and thirty seconds into the video, after she does her failing wannabe Peaches rap, I noticed a beautiful man lounging both awkwardly and sexily in his underwear.
See for yourself
And at this point, after the dog, and a bathing suit thing, coming out of a pool with a masquerade mask, and light up glass, I'm just really confused about the hella sexy, super awkward hot man. But I'm pretty sure I'd make shity music if I could have that hot of man lounging around in his underwear awkwardly. Mmmmkay.
And then I shake the vapid nature (its just not my thang) I think about an interview with Joni Mitchell I just recently read about the production of music in a Capitalistic Society
Interviewer:This is why your body of work has such quality. You were developing your imagination and your voice before outside commercial pressures began. Now young people instantly covet the recording contract. Unfortunately, the fabulous music-video revolution of the '80s degenerated and turned music into image and posing.
Joni Mitchell: I heard a record executive say on the radio that they were no longer looking for talent but rather for a look and a willingness to cooperate, because with Pro Tools they can fix anything. There's always been a disposable quality to this business.
So, here is the thing, the super sexy, almost naked man in the Lady GaGa video, represents a lot of the problems that the music industry (if you consider mass music to be art, is another question)has with production, consumption and quality of art in a capitalistic society.
William Morris=
So, if you take Morris's ideas about quality and the laboring individual in relation to materialism and wages, and apply those theories to the degenerative quality of art, it makes sense that the hot man was in the video.
and just to continue the cycle of aesthetics--
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