November 13, 2010


Today, is Neil Young's birthday. In honor of one my favorite (if not my favorite) singer/songwriters:


It's been pouring rain all day.  The rain always makes me nostalgic for the West Coast and times past as I drive along long stretches of highway hearing the rhythmic beating of the drops hit my car as I progress forward. I seep nostalgia.  However, the constant muggy 60+degrees,  hot-on-your-skin-stick-humidity, intermittent with  sun rays piercing through clouds that stretch over the entire sky; this serves  a reminder of my current place in time. Petal to the floor and progress forward.

I've been listening to Neil since I was 15, through high school, college, post-college woes and now, as I  drive along a Texan highway at 65 mph pondering how I ended up in the one state I always used to make fun of. I sometimes look at my life and wonder how I ended up driving along the current road, at any given place or time, the movement says it all.  The feeling of freedom and solitude seep through and replace the nostalgia as  I left the comfort of friends, family and familiarity in the dissipate in my rear view mirror, 2,300 miles away.

Cheers neil,

Now (such a great song)

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