June 8, 2010

Bitch, be Fierce

Or- What happens when you do not sleep and think about grammar

So I have not really had time to sleep. Inbetween traveling, seeing things, I am spending my free time packing, making lists, living life, seeing friends, writing grad applications, etc. etc. I write, that  Life is chaos and chaos is life" see: Chaos Theory (http://www.imho.com/grae/chaos/chaos.html) or just for the next two months until I am settled in Texas.

In this sleep deprived state, I just realized that it is possible to create sexual innuendos & symbolism with punctuation. (hence the name of the blog).  This is partly due to my graduate applications and the intense writing I have been doing, but I also find it kind of humorous and funny. yes. I do not care if you think I am a nerd.

Semicolons are sexy because they are linking two separate sentences into one
Commas are funny because they often add unnatural pauses of awkwardness
Explanation points are demanding, bossy and in charge
Quotes symbolize control, as in, exact, precise data
Parenthesis are kind of secret, as in they are part of the sentence, but not quite part of the idea, seem to be kind of allusive.

It would also be funny, and really nerdy (and too time consuming) to create funny characters from the ideas behind the punctuations. Like, if a quote dated a parenthesis, it would not work out as the two cannot really exist well together in a sentence. Explanation points and commas would be a nice pair...but eventually they would get bored with one another because the comma would be a pushover.

This is what an English Degree does with your free time... or on breaks from work. i really do despise the rules of grammar and language, and it is fun to work around them, poke fun at them, throw in linguistic theory...


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