October 20, 2009

Grab My Goat.

Goats have been a recent motif in my life as of late

And yes, this picture does say, 'Teat' & 'PropARTganda'. (how fucking clever!) Wait. If you didn't read all the labels of the parts of a goat- I suggest you go back and at least find the tassle.

Goat Motifs:

While driving to an elementary school I saw a hand-made wooden white silhouette of a goat, labeled, "Cashmere Goats" an below that in stenciled blue writing, "Kids for Sale"

This is incredibly hilarious because from far away it just looks like an oddly shaped "Kids for Sale" sign out in the country sprawl.

While getting the mail four days ago, I hear an animal sound. You know, the kind of animal sound that takes a suburban-sprawler by surprise. It wasn't a crow, or a squirrel on the roof, or even the lulling bark of a dog. I grab the mail look over into my neighbors back yard, or rather, *plot of land* and see small goats staring at me with incredibly beady black eyes. Their pupils are alarming and strangely sideways.

Then, today while I was paroozing online-- because I managed to find some time for sanity in the 9 to 5, I read....

Now, they tour a lot, but I have never, not even once, seen them live.

I am ecstatic. Not only because that band picture has composition of the cows/awesome corduroy hipster jacket, but because I hate November. It is my least favorite month. It's cold, summer's over, life is settling down to short days and long nights-- (other cliche unimportant aspects not worth complaining about) but, I plan on seeing "where the wild things are" and trying to see the mountain goats in concert AND not to mention, my job is going to settle way the fuck down-- November might be the month that steals the show, considering 2009 has been a strange year indeed.

It should also be noted that I will pay proper homage to the Garbage goat, for sucking on my garbage, so incredibly hard and fast...

1 comment:

Toaster Strudel said...

I laughed so hard at "Goat Tassle".

And hooray for the garbage goat!