October 31, 2009

Bach up, it's all about space and some lit!

Cello Suite No. 1 Prelude - Bach
Inbetween the completely bourgeoisie classical stations in the middle of nowhere-- the audiobook I was listening to had this quote, "
One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time."

Words, Image, Sound--> Multimedia >A unique, fitting, Postmodern

ayi, ayi, ayi...

I am pretty sure my new office is hella haunted-- or someone is going in there with the LOCKED door and moving my things around.

October 26, 2009

Best blog. ever.

This blog would be what I would aspire my blog to be:

So rad! Music, Comics, Pop Culture-- and totally nerdy.

now, every time I re-read my blog (a vain attempt at proofing it, psshshhaa) I automatically scroll down to the picture of Louis Garrell. My last post- totally fragmented and full of errors but I don't even care! Louis's sexy is infringing upon my writing. Sick. This is a problem. I. Am. Vain.

October 24, 2009

If music had meaning??

I was driving home today.
It was incredibly rainy.
I was listening to Death Cab, (I know, I know totally cliche)

Sometimes I don't give a fuck if I'm being cliche.

I was driving and I was thinking.
I popped in an old mix I made.
R.E.M song's The One I Love" came on.
Incredibly fucking amazing break-up song.
It's so angry.
So passionate.

Then I remembered this excellent little gem:

(the embedding was disabled)

Speaking of love, I just watched "the beautiful people" a french film tracking the temporary nature of relationships. The movie, I could appreciate, perhaps because I understand the temporal nature of change.
However, I appreciate even more:

Oh, hot damn...

October 23, 2009

Hey, that's a snowman

And Hot toddies.
Spooning while watching holiday themed movies.

I just watched, "Frosty the Snowman" out of sheer nostalgia and i melted inside.
I also noticed that there are a lot of funny things here- the teacher is frumpy, the magician has a mustache (sterotypes of mustaches being villians!) and-- apparently, all of the children are white in public schools.
But, I mean, Gene Autry's rugged voice paired with deep seeded nostalgia, merely a means for internal feelings of contentment.

October 20, 2009

Grab My Goat.

Goats have been a recent motif in my life as of late

And yes, this picture does say, 'Teat' & 'PropARTganda'. (how fucking clever!) Wait. If you didn't read all the labels of the parts of a goat- I suggest you go back and at least find the tassle.

Goat Motifs:

While driving to an elementary school I saw a hand-made wooden white silhouette of a goat, labeled, "Cashmere Goats" an below that in stenciled blue writing, "Kids for Sale"

This is incredibly hilarious because from far away it just looks like an oddly shaped "Kids for Sale" sign out in the country sprawl.

While getting the mail four days ago, I hear an animal sound. You know, the kind of animal sound that takes a suburban-sprawler by surprise. It wasn't a crow, or a squirrel on the roof, or even the lulling bark of a dog. I grab the mail look over into my neighbors back yard, or rather, *plot of land* and see small goats staring at me with incredibly beady black eyes. Their pupils are alarming and strangely sideways.

Then, today while I was paroozing online-- because I managed to find some time for sanity in the 9 to 5, I read....

Now, they tour a lot, but I have never, not even once, seen them live.

I am ecstatic. Not only because that band picture has composition of the cows/awesome corduroy hipster jacket, but because I hate November. It is my least favorite month. It's cold, summer's over, life is settling down to short days and long nights-- (other cliche unimportant aspects not worth complaining about) but, I plan on seeing "where the wild things are" and trying to see the mountain goats in concert AND not to mention, my job is going to settle way the fuck down-- November might be the month that steals the show, considering 2009 has been a strange year indeed.

It should also be noted that I will pay proper homage to the Garbage goat, for sucking on my garbage, so incredibly hard and fast...

October 15, 2009

My own handyman + scholar

So in the last week I had to fix my dishwasher and I had to defrost my refrigerator.

I feel like my own handyman, even though our handyman is really hot and speaks french. (no, I'm not kidding)
I don't speak french and I am not a hot male, so I cannot replace him.
But! Both appliances are working, so thats a plus?

Today, I also realized that I love what I'm doing, I really love book & I miss literature. I had to deliver something to the old English offices, and, I realized how much of a void is in my life because I am not reading books and theorizing their context. I MISS POSTMODERNISM! I MISS POST COLONIAL STUDIES. I MISS GENDER REPRESENTATION.

Being a professional student would be *so* awesome.

October 12, 2009


Ok, so if I am looking at this right-- There's a boy, who is using his mother's dress to dress a blowup doll...
This is wrong and hilarious on so many levels.

October 11, 2009

MONEY hole

I thought about this today picking pumpkins and remembered how hilarious I found 'the money hole'


I love the Oxford English Dictionary.

While it's a heavy and debatable question, I think knowledge comes from consciousness. Human consciousness is formed by a desire to communicate. Communication is formed through words. Yeah?

So, in a way, epistemology, for me, is linked to the historical context of English words.
I love theorizing the context and cultural content behind a single word. Each word we speak, we think, we use, everyday, can be coated and analyzed with a historical context.

This is where the OED comes in.
I found that there is no word between 'lost'/'found' that something is either lost or found. There are no words to describe the in between. What happens if something is neither lost or found? The fact that so many words are described in a strict binary form, really speaks volumes about the thought patters English speaking countries. I mean, we thrive on the idea of one or the other, with no spectrum of in between.

Also, the word 'solitude' is derived from the latin root, "Solus" which means, "Single or alone" The english word was first used in 1374, by Chaucer, "She hath so grete compassion on her knyght, That dwelleth in solitude til she come" I just think the context of that particular word is beautiful. It was used in comparison or contrast to be together.

I just think the fact we can learn so much about culture through words is so fascinating.

Sidenote: Fall colors?

October 8, 2009


someone, please, tell me how this isn't homoerotic.

(Cliche opening statement)
As fall is approaching (rhetorical link to photo) I can't help but strongly desire hot toddies.

In my family, anything hot and alcoholic is considered a 'hot toddy.'
We aren't picky.

I heard the new Vampire Weekend single today--
I don't know how I really feel about it. For me the melodic and slightly poppy music fits well with sun, summer, beaches, sunsets-- so the timing is a little off. Releasing the CD in the dead of winter? Maybe it will provide a pick-me-up amidst the rain and the gray.

October 2, 2009


This weeks This American Life is titled, "The Book That Changed Your Life" a re-run from Oct. 99.

Ira Glass talking about books! Oh. God, Ira.


WILD THANGGGS & Other books & a CD.

I know I've said this before, but I will say it again, I am so incredibly excited for the movie "Where the Wild Things Are" It touches on something intricately woven into my own childhood nostalgia.

It looks so well done, besides the tender place it holds in my heart.

So this got me thinking about other books my parents used to read to me when I was little. The one that stuck out in my mind was 'The Talking Eggs' a story derived from a Louisiana Creole Folktale. It's all about finding beauty in ugliness and reaching your potential despite external circumstances. Amazing.

Then, there was 'The Giver' the book solely responsible for showing me the beauty of words and literature.
I won't rant on about this book, I just know that it was incredibly important to me.

Heartless Bastards.
The first album I have listened to that is considered 'indie' while touching on the beauty of imperfection and rawness. It is also wonderful to paint to or have it as background music. Plus the lead singer, Erika Wennerstrom has a really unique deep, rough voice that I love. Her lyrics are something that I can identify with. The song "Hold Your Head High" was pretty much the reason I survived the summer.
So, I'm not going to review it because that's just not my style, but I would highly suggest just giving it a listen, just once. I think its good, very good.