July 13, 2009

Easter Eggs, Satanic Rituals, horror

As a child I used to have nightmares about the easter bunny. Don't laugh. It was serious. Last night, (it might of been the vodka or whiskey...) I had another dream about the easter bunny. It tried to murder me. Now. What the fuck.
Normally I don't pay attention to dreams. I think they're fascinating and provide inspiration for a lot of artists/creative types but I'm more intrigued by the psychological side, the cognition and brain patterns that occur during unconscious sleep. The linear side, if you will, not the symbolic meaning. After researching for a lot longer than I should of, basically, no one really knows why we dream. This strikes me as strange.

why the fuck I keep having nightmares about an Evil Easter Bunny? Where does this come from? What part of my brain. I like bunnies. I have fond memories of easter sundays and church and pretty dresses stained with chocolate from the easter bunny.
Now, however, I wake up in a cold sweat due to a fictions Pagan Christian prototype. Bah.

however, that painting by Sowa (totally makes me proud to be part German) leads me to believe that other people might have the same ideas/fears of the easter bunny. This strikes me as strange also, but not as strange as the actual dream itself in which I am frantically running from a satanic easter bunny who is covered in a thick coat of fur.

Gee, thanks my unconscious .

(sidenote:Freud did a lot of cocaine when he was writing, "the interpretation of dreams" and I'm going to do a rhetorical analysis of it. I want to see how he actually used logic and how the writing mirrors the cognition of a person on cocaine. This will piss a lot of Freudian scholars off. Generally there are those who think he's a coke-head and those who completely disregard it. It's a weird divide that exists. But point is, Freud did a shit ton of coke when he wrote, arguably, his most influncial piece of work on the unconcious and dreams.)

1 comment:

Toaster Strudel said...

Haha, that's a cool picture. Your dream sounds like something I should make a b-movie out of.

Sorry I didn't get to see you when I was over there. Maybe I'll send you a surpruse instead. Do you still have the same address?