April 21, 2010

You're Nuts.

My boyfriend recently, told me, in half jest-- that my blog is just full of only emotion and art. At first, I took this personally. However, it’s true. So in lou of changing the bandwagon, of getting off the truck, of altering the rhythm and flow of things, etc. etc. Here’s a funny story:

I had a man come into my office and tell me about a squirrel stuck in an old typewriter. That’s right; he interrupted my NPR listening by walking straight into my office with his old childhood friend. He then broke the awkward silence by telling me about the old-ways of the library and a squirrel.

Let me describe you these people. His friend had hair dyed bright orange, her lips obviously injected with fake soft liquid gel then covered in bright red lipstick and she wore a purple, skin tight suit velour suit. He was a very attractive, very well read older man. I understand now, that “Childhood Friend” is obviously a façade.

After they interrupted Amy Goodman and my organization in Excel, he proceeded to tell me how once, a very long time ago, a black squirrel managed to climb up 4 floors. The squirrel then hid in the typewriter. He then captured the squirrel in a box and put it back outside. Not only does this story seem unfeasible, it seems unreasonable and ridiculous. I have no idea why this man walked into my office in the first place, I have no idea why there was a woman with him and I have no idea why he told me about a story about a squirrel that wasn’t even true.

He then later sent me an email thanking me for being so 'welcoming and receptive' to his friend and him... go figure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm being misquoted.