July 28, 2009

fuck yes. moment.

Thanks for:
red wine on hot nights and beer with friends.

thanks for
the pure glorious ideal perfection & pleasure of the moment.

ive forgotten how much PURE pleasure the moment brings, to be living in the idea of the flawless stretch of time and be consumed by nothing outside of the moment itself.

and this is all aided by this little amazing gem---------------->
holy shit.
its been a long time since ive heard something that just fit my mood/summer/life so fucking well. it reminded me why i love music. i can count the records that made me re-fall in love with music on two hands. you know, the music that just comes into your life at the exact moment it should of.

the albums are as follows:
-neil young zuma
-r.e.m automatic for the people
-the flaming lips-clouds taste metallic
-Pink Floyd Dark side of the moon
-le tigre-le tigre
-cat stevens-tea for tillerman
-sigur ros-taak...
-the mountain goats-hail and farewell gothenburg/all hail west texas

these albums are the ones that just sort of fell... into my life in the moment and they are damn, i mean, damn good.
i dont know what it is, but this record should be listened to by, well, everyone.

July 26, 2009

Gondry, Music, 80s.

Thanks Michel Gondry. No, really, thank you.

July 25, 2009


"What interests me is the post-Newtonian extrabiologic implications of a human species ability to think and act using clusters of electrons: light, in other words. If the opening act of the evolutionary drama involved a decent from light into a matter and language, it only makes sense that the closing act, so to speak, we reunite with our photonic progenitor. The role that language--the word-- will play in our light driven metamorphosis is the furry little question that cranks my squirrel cage...E-mails a wonderful convenience, even when its goddamn hacked, but that's another story. What I'm saying is I'm not gonna sit around for hours every day having nonorgasmic sex with a computer or a TV set. These machines will suck the life right of you if you give 'em half a chance"
-Tom Robbins, "Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates"

I'm going to skip over the obvious irony of blogging about the technological aspects of society (because well, duh, i'm using new media as a medium for conveying my ideas about technology which disproves the use of it entirely) and go straight to why I find myself using a computer and watching tv less and less when normalized society is using both of these mediums more and more. I put down both of these things for these reasons and nothing else- the sheer experience of seeing tangible beauty because hot damn-- there are very few things in life that actually take your breath away.

July 19, 2009

le sigh

I watched "the science of sleep" a few days ago and I realized that Gael Garcia Bernal is really fucking talented.

July 13, 2009

Easter Eggs, Satanic Rituals, horror

As a child I used to have nightmares about the easter bunny. Don't laugh. It was serious. Last night, (it might of been the vodka or whiskey...) I had another dream about the easter bunny. It tried to murder me. Now. What the fuck.
Normally I don't pay attention to dreams. I think they're fascinating and provide inspiration for a lot of artists/creative types but I'm more intrigued by the psychological side, the cognition and brain patterns that occur during unconscious sleep. The linear side, if you will, not the symbolic meaning. After researching for a lot longer than I should of, basically, no one really knows why we dream. This strikes me as strange.

why the fuck I keep having nightmares about an Evil Easter Bunny? Where does this come from? What part of my brain. I like bunnies. I have fond memories of easter sundays and church and pretty dresses stained with chocolate from the easter bunny.
Now, however, I wake up in a cold sweat due to a fictions Pagan Christian prototype. Bah.

however, that painting by Sowa (totally makes me proud to be part German) leads me to believe that other people might have the same ideas/fears of the easter bunny. This strikes me as strange also, but not as strange as the actual dream itself in which I am frantically running from a satanic easter bunny who is covered in a thick coat of fur.

Gee, thanks my unconscious .

(sidenote:Freud did a lot of cocaine when he was writing, "the interpretation of dreams" and I'm going to do a rhetorical analysis of it. I want to see how he actually used logic and how the writing mirrors the cognition of a person on cocaine. This will piss a lot of Freudian scholars off. Generally there are those who think he's a coke-head and those who completely disregard it. It's a weird divide that exists. But point is, Freud did a shit ton of coke when he wrote, arguably, his most influncial piece of work on the unconcious and dreams.)

July 11, 2009

Oh Can-a-duh.

Pretext: This is going to be a first person narrative, in which I will hopefully successfully intrigue you with my own ego and voice. It might be a vain attempt, fragmented and hopefully not TOO angsty, morose, or cynical, but goddamn, I'm going to write it anyway, and I'm not even going to proof it.

This morning started with me pushing the snooze alarm to 710am , 5 minutes before I have to be out the door in my car, driving to work. While running out of my room in just my underwear I step on a piece glass which lodges itself right in my heel. A river of blood pours out onto the worn tan hardwood floor. I hop downstairs, still in my underwear, oblivious to the mysterious man sleeping on my sofa. I look at him, shrug, and hope he doesn't open his eyes.
He does. I walk past, grab my uniform from the dryer and dress in the dining room. I band-aid the bloody river on my foot pour a cup of coffee and run out the door.

The rest of the morning was normal, the practiced redundant process that is the work-a-day world, until, reaching Victoria harbor and older man comes up to me. He's wearing a too-tight button up plaid shirt. "So, what do YOU do while we're all in Victoria?"

"Um. I cook dinner"

"Oh. I was hoping you'd come down with me. It'd be fun"

"No, I've got to cook."

I abruptly turn and leave and put the lines on the bow. I hide downstairs because I don't like this man. He is incredibly creepy. He leaves with the rest and I decide to go to my favorite haven for lunch to get away from work.

It's totally cool and normal until I take a turn down an alleyway (because I'm a brontosaurus**) I walk past two homeless people, one man and one woman sitting against the wall. I hear them crack open two beers. I turn around. The man, missing all of his front teeth says, "Oh no, ma'm! I'm just drinkin a beer."

I pause. "Oh I wish I had a goddamn beer." I turn and keep walking.
Align Center

I find the out-of-the-tourist view cafe and start ordering. Somehow I end up talking to the incredibly cute server who I assume is gay (he just gave off that vibe) he wasn't. I end up ordering my food confused and embarrassed. I just spent 15 minutes flirting with someone without even realizing it. I. am. awkward. I grab my food and go as far away from him as possible and start reading my book. In the middle of an interesting passage on linguistics I hear two Canadians discuss American politics. I then look up and smell weed.

I start easedropping. Both men were incredibly articulate and well spoken. However in the end, that both agreed that America is fucked until we Socialize basic 'human needs.' They also said most of America is ignorant. I disagree with the first statement, but agree with the latter.

Abruptly, and seemingly out of nowhere a man in an electronic wheelchair drives?? over with a black poodle sitting in his lap. He tries to sell me an independent newspaper that 'exposes the corporate minded media.' I don't know what to say to him. At this point, after the homeless people wearing leather shoes drinking a beer, the political discussions and the mysterious joint, I'm off kilter. I just wanted to read and eat and drink a cup of coffee to suffice my lack-of-nap.
I tell him I'm a capitalist. I tell him that I love Bush. I tell him that America is the greatest country known to man. I tell that I don't want anything to do with the paper.

In my head, all I wanted was peace and quiet, a book and caffeine. Instead I was handed homelessness, incredibly good looking Canadians asking for my number, conflicting political ideologies and an extremist, anti-establishment newspaper. Only one of these is desirable and that is up to you to decide.

**Brontosaurus vs. T-rex: A metaphorical philosophy on life that stresses the importance of knowing your surroundings that i was told last week. It is also slightly aggressive and incredibly realist. It and puts little faith in the idea of a 'safe' and 'just' society and rather focuses on the the individual, in relation to human nature being self-preservation.

July 4, 2009

Late-Nights. Early Mornings II

630 am is brutal. No matter what. I can't fall asleep anymore. No seriously. It's a problem, because I end up passing out in the grass in Canada listening to podcasts. I wake up confused at where I am and how I got there for the first 30 sec. Then I go back and flip the chicken and cook the salmon.

When its not midnight, I'll blog about the following:

Stories about a vacuum.
poking Fun at Sexism
Canada Day
17 hr work days
Plus, my favorite--sexy married men!

July 1, 2009

inordinate amount of trailers.

3.7 movies, I'm excited about

1)Away We Go, even though it looks mushy and emotional and might make me want to cry (ok, sometimes, it happens!) it's co-written by Dave Eggers and directed by Sam Mendes, this almost guarantees it to be *amazing*

2)500 Days of Summer. Partly because the female lead is someone who is characterized as a cynic, but also because I've had a teen-crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt since I saw "10 things I hate about you" and he wears incredibly attractive clothing. I would pay 8.00 to see him run around in suits and vests with ties and sidebags. The movie looks decent also. Sad, but decent.

3) The pinnacle, it's not even out until Oct but it is worth mentioning in this list. the preview looks incredible, arcade fire as part of the score, written by spike jonze & dave eggers and directed by jonze, it looks fucking fantastic. I will be greatly, greatly, disappointed if this does not do justice to Maurice Sendak's childrens book, because I grew up reading it.


3.7) I think i only like this movie because it reminds me of walt whitman's poem 'when i heard the learn'd astronomer'

Postnote: While looking up trailers, i found a preview for this really shitty looking movie, postgrad. It looks.... really really terrible, BUT, Rodrigo Santoro is in it as a sexy neighbor. Oh god. I want that sexy of a neighbor. Blah, blah, skip most until about 1:20 into it and stop it before it goes to 2 min.