February 2, 2012

Washington Proud

Sometimes I really miss being in  Washington. Today was one of those days.  I was talking about racism and homophobia (Jasper, Texas, 1999-Racist Killing) in East Texas and I realized how much I deeply miss the laid back, rainy attitude, liberal attitude that I came from. That aside-

I am proud to say that Washington is going to legalize same sex marriage. Being so far away, and in a more conservative area, I feel disconnected, but I've never been more proud to call myself a Washingtonian. Go Washington! I am glad my car is still licensed and my drivers license still has your logo.  I will be back to you in about  a year!

SeattlePi_WA Senate Approves Bill 

And, because this video is so fabulous:

For those of you in Washington, be happy that you are in a state that is so progressive. It isn't like this everywhere.

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