April 17, 2007


I forgot to mention the minor detail of having to call 911 this weekend. It was nothing serious, really, in comparision to someone bleeding to death, car accidents or any of the endless tragedies that people experience in daily life.

As I was driving, I look over to the overgrown grass and I see this man, collapsed, either in a deep sleep or dead, (I'm thinking sleep) with a walker folded an arms length away. His arm was covering half his face and his body was in a strange, contoure-like curved, uncomfortable position to fall asleep in. He was on the side of the road and I'm not sure if he was homeless but he didn't look like he was, well, moving. So I did what I feel, any "good" citizen should do and called 911. Talking to them is always a bit weird, but the lady was nice. I told her where he was and then just went about my daily life, as if the weird interuption of seeing a possible dead man on the side of the road wouldn't effect me.

It would be strange to think that so many people would just drive by, hardly noting his odd presence in the first place. His rainbow pendleton colored coat was a nice contrast to the green grass, that people should of noticed, I think, because I did. (That sounded oddly and awkwardly poetic) Either way, if they did no one thought anything of because no one had called, or, I don't know, maybe they just assumed he was homeless and sleeping. But he didn't look like he was to me.

I read somewhere that if there are a lot of people around in a dire situation, the less likely someone is to call for help, they displace the responsibility onto others.

I wish I could take photos like this.

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