April 20, 2007

Because I can and you can too

I'm posting that, just because I can and I'm missing the east side of the state right now.

Today while I was standing, waiting for the elevator I made small talk with this lady (maybe 35-40) who is in my English Class. (I always find it awkward if you start talking to someone, realize you have nothing left to say and have to coexist in uncomfortable silence. So I've figured that people, really enjoy talking about themselves and if you ask vague questions you'll usually get specific answers) So she quietly explained to me how she has to take the elevator and use a roller backpack because its doctors orders. She's currently in rehab and had some physical problems, i assume, and now, she can't walk up stairs or carry a backpack on her back. I don't know why, but I went into the elevator with the "what the fuck...?" face.

I don't really know what "rehab" is because I doubt she would go around telling practical strangers that she's in drug rehab. But still, it's just a weird thing to tell people I think. I don't think you should have to justify using the elevator.


There was also a boy at work who just recently had a friend killed on the south end of campus. I was sitting eating my microwavable dinner, he walked around somberly in the break room and all I could do was stare at my penne pasta. I'm not being insensitive at all, what happened was fucked up, but still, I just feel terrible because there's nothing I can say or do because his friend was shot- in a pot deal gone awry and tomorrow he has to go to a funeral/memorial service.

On 4/20.

April 19, 2007

Oh la la senorita.

So on a complete tangent, far from pretty skies with dramatic clouds and cloudless skies with silhouettes of moons-
i mean, its a wiki, so yeah...


April 17, 2007


I forgot to mention the minor detail of having to call 911 this weekend. It was nothing serious, really, in comparision to someone bleeding to death, car accidents or any of the endless tragedies that people experience in daily life.

As I was driving, I look over to the overgrown grass and I see this man, collapsed, either in a deep sleep or dead, (I'm thinking sleep) with a walker folded an arms length away. His arm was covering half his face and his body was in a strange, contoure-like curved, uncomfortable position to fall asleep in. He was on the side of the road and I'm not sure if he was homeless but he didn't look like he was, well, moving. So I did what I feel, any "good" citizen should do and called 911. Talking to them is always a bit weird, but the lady was nice. I told her where he was and then just went about my daily life, as if the weird interuption of seeing a possible dead man on the side of the road wouldn't effect me.

It would be strange to think that so many people would just drive by, hardly noting his odd presence in the first place. His rainbow pendleton colored coat was a nice contrast to the green grass, that people should of noticed, I think, because I did. (That sounded oddly and awkwardly poetic) Either way, if they did no one thought anything of because no one had called, or, I don't know, maybe they just assumed he was homeless and sleeping. But he didn't look like he was to me.

I read somewhere that if there are a lot of people around in a dire situation, the less likely someone is to call for help, they displace the responsibility onto others.

I wish I could take photos like this.

Smells like bleach.

!!!!!! BEAUTY!!!!

My bathroom smells strongly of bleach because I caught the damn mold growing on my wall again. I don't know what I'm going to do because my landlord isn't going to like the prominent black ink stain on my carpet either. She'll have to deal with it.

This weekend was a bit crazy, as if words can do it any sort of justice. Someone fell through a window, some girl was humping the wall trying to drunken strip/dance on a curtain rod and I had a good 30 minute drunk walk in the rain at 230 am. Oh, and lest not forget the keg. Sweet Busch Keg. So, it wasn't just another run of the mill Friday night. Or was it... young and irresponsible....

I made my contact sheet for my film and I don't remember-- a good 6 pictures on the two rolls. Some turned out really nice and theres some really fucked up photos of some of the parties I went to, contrasted by fields of tulips and a strap on dildo. Nice juxtaposition of images, don't you think?

The first real, legit 'blog' I ever write and parties/drinking seem to be a reoccurring motif. I suppose this would be a problem to some, but I'm at ease with the chemical intoxication and scapegoat excuses that come along with inebriation. After all, it is college right? Right kids...

I have the strangest encounters with people, really. I think my landowner may have some type of...well, I think she's just fucking crazy. I've never meant anyone so, completely off the rocker yet seemingly normal. She's hired these guys to work in her yard, which, in itself is completely normal. However, she stands at the window, going about her stock trading and watched their every move. I came back from the Farmer's Market Saturday and there she stood, outside this time, perched over the boys, hands on hips, scowl on face, not even uttering a word. I don't know how long she was standing there for, but she soon came inside and made them lunch. I guess, "they don't really eat breakfast and if they're hungry they want to leave early, so I get to play mommy and make them lunch. I really think its in everyone's best interests this way." Ok. Crazy! Not to mention she told us an extensive story about her old boyfriends, one of which had a broken penis** and the other she broke up with fighting naked on a dock, in the middle of the day. He wouldn't do the dishes. Now, she's currently dating a man she meant on match.com. which seems to be hilarious, even more so with her dating history.

**She claims that her ex-boyfriend had a broken penis, after it was erect and it, snapped "like a carrot" Imagine sticking your pointer finger up in the air and having it, snap, and break- at least, that's how she described it to us.

I also encountered this old retired professor from my university, that makes art and left me an excerpt from a book along with a oil painting he did of a deer entitled, "my neighbor". I don't really know what to think of this man, he seems really nice and one day when I was getting the mail, he told me my hair looked nice. I think I might leave him a photo of the bay sometime, in return for his, interesting present.

That's about it I suppose. I'm writing a paper on modernity thesis/technology and how thats effecting the expressive arts and I already want to sort of poke my eyes out with my pencil. I decided that was too messy and I suppose I'll just stick to writing with it.

April 11, 2007


so i think im going to start writing down the strange encounters i have with people, maybe on here, if anyone even reads this, or maybe just for myself. I haven't decided yet.

Today I found two really interesting and cool things, one being a book entitled "The Journals of Dan Eldon" which was the first sort of artistic thing I've come across in a long time that actually did something for me, the other being a band I really like (and I haven't found any new music in a long time as well) called Logh. They're a bit lo-fi from the 90's I think. Anyway I liked them both. No photos, just text.

April 1, 2007

i dont like these titles.

Fake arsty moments with digital.

not so artsy, and a lot less fake.

being, exhausted from throwing it down, is the only justified reason to ever, be tired.
no really.

the sign read 'parts' but i never figured out what the parts they were talking about.