June 4, 2007


I'm reduced to taking photos with a camera phone...
my digital camera has stopped working (for seemingly no reason at all, other than it is old) and my 35mm is being stubborn and the lens no longer fits.
I get excited every time it reaches 75, because that means I can sit outside, and get hot and not get rained on. It's far from the usual 80-90 degree weather I'm used to, but hell, It'll suffice.

I'd never thought I'd get tanlines from a rainy city.

but it happens. and it is good.

May 22, 2007

Oh man, I'm so terrified of flying.


May 14, 2007

I know.. this is random

My midnight tea

Gah, this is so pretty, every night I take a photo of the sunset.

... ungodly amounts of work and good music = exhaustion.
whoever said sunday was the day of rest was lying.

And it was good

May 12, 2007

And then there was light (sort of..)

So on a Friday night, after working three hours and going to school for 4, this was a nice way to end the day. Perhaps...
I'm reading "house of leaves" and its fucking with my head.


I received the following in my inbox today:

Dear Friend,

My name is Mrs. Mariam Mobutu I am a dying woman who have decided to donate what Ihave to you.I am 61 years old and I was diagnosed for cancer about 2 yearsago,immediately after the death of my husband, Who had left me everything he workedfor.I have been touched By God to donate from what I have inherited from mylate Husbandto you for the good work of God, rather than allow My relatives to use my husbandhard earned funds ungodly. Please pray that the good Lord forgive me my sins.I have asked God To forgive me and I believe he has because He is a merciful God.Iwill be going in for an operation tomorrow morning.I decided to WILL/donate the sumof $9,500,000(Nine million five Hundred thousand dollars) to you for the good workof the lord, and also to help the motherless and less privilege and also for theassistance of the widows according to (JAMES 1:27).At the moment I cannot take anytelephone calls right now due to the Fact that my relatives are around me and myhealth status. I have adjusted my WILL and my Executor is aware I have changed my will; you andhe will arrange for the change of ownership of the funds as it is presently in twotrunk boxes deposited in a security company in London, United Kingdom and wouldonly be released to (you).I wish you all the best and may the good Lord bless youabundantly, and Please use the funds well and always extend the good work toothers.Contact my Executor Donald Phillips with this specifiedemail(donald_consultant2@yahoo.com )with your full names contact telephone/faxnumber and your full address and tell him that I have WILLED ($9,500,000.00)to youand I have also notified him that I am WILLING that amount to you for a specificand good work I know I don't know you but I have been directed to do this. Thanks and God bless.NB: I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality in this matter until the task isaccomplished as I don't want anything that will jeopardize my last wish.

Regards,Mariam Mobutu.


May 11, 2007

I ate green beans and leftover pizza for dinner tonight. I can't remember the last time I ate meat. And for that, this deer below is thanking me.

This cute little deer was eating shrubbery. I didn't know deer ate shrubbery. Someone shaved it too. Who shaves a deer? And why are they always eating the shrubbery in my neighborhood? I don't know where they come from. Behind me is city and in front of my house is city/water. Domesticated deer. It's really starting to bother me, because they're cute, I just don't know where they live.

I think a bed says a lot about a person.

May 10, 2007

in the day

I didn't know fog could be eerie when its sunny.

in the night...

Eclectic, no really.

This weekend I saw a man riding a bicycle taller than cars in a yellow velvet jumpsuit with a matching yellow wig, as well as bagpipe player and a group of kids dressed in costume yelling things down the street... sometimes i dont know what to think.

May 5, 2007

And if there was a sun...

things would look like this

May 2, 2007

Hey, Neighbor!

I keep randomly running into my neighbor, an older man who paints, has written two novels and used to be an engineering prof. at the university. While I was on break, he left me a picture of a deer he drew and an excerpt from a book. He keeps inviting me over to his house, but I don't know, it seems a little weird.Anyway, he told me my hair looked nice when I was getting the mail one day and he vaguely reminds me of my grandpa. I think sometime I'll go over and have a cup of tea or something.

I've put off massive amounts of work this weekend and the snowball effect has now started. Fuck.

May 1, 2007

If the usual was beyond the usual you would have this:

(Why, yes, I wondered the same thing)

40z and teardown.

Before and after.

All I have to say is...
the photos don't do the time justice, at all because its missing the making out, the glowing opera play, crazy people, wresting and the accoustic neil young playing sounds.